Monday, October 13, 2014


Well I got some news that im heading to Tahaa! Its a island up in between Riatea and Borabora, there are only four missionaries up there and I'm on the Hipu/Cumorah Sector! Im geting another French companion he just finnished his training, I don't know much about the island but I'll let you know all about it next week, I'm excited but super sad to go also, I got up at church yesterday to share my testimony, I just cried and cried, gosh some things just never change, and blabbing in French made it harder, hahaha! But it is sad to leave members and recent converts you love! But I'll  have some amazing experiences ahead of me! Ill miss Taapuna so much but hopefully I'll  be able to visit the people again! well wish me luck I'll  let you all know how it goes! 
Love you all
Elder Moller

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