Monday, August 18, 2014


My Friends and Family
What a week this week has been, I told an Elder that I needed a little vacation and he just looked me in the eye and told me "you are in Tahiti what more to you want?" I guess I need a little reminder now and again! we were able to start this week great having up to 10 lessons a day, until Thursday, we had a Heiva activity for the Stake which consisted of massive drums and ukes, and Tahitian dances! our ward was assigned the cook islands for our dance, all the dances look the same to me, but anyway it was great. then Friday we had a mission conference with Elder Pearson of the 70, it was super good. I love being able to see all the missionaries of Tahiti. Then Saturday was alright, we got a call early in the morning informing us that one of my new converts had passed away that night, Fredrick had been a convert for about 4 months, I was able to teach him and his wife and his two kids. We were asked to help prepare his grave sight, which we did for about five hours that day. Then later that day we had a stake baptism, Three baptisms from Taapuna (my area) and two from another ward. Our mission president and Elder Pearson came to support the baptisms. I was asked to do the baptisms for Marie, a single mother who we have been teaching for about five months, I was nervous so do the baptisms in front of everyone for my first time but it went so well, After the baptism we stood in the water tears running down our cheeks because the spirit was so strong. Our second investigator was Sandra she started taking the lessons again with me and my companion after we watched the Joseph Smith movie together, She is the first of her whole family to leave the Adventist Church, but her testimony is so strong and the lord had his hand in her life. And the third investigator is Hinano, It was her marriage three weeks ago and she picked this saturday so her whole family could come, who are non-members. Her testimony was so strong and she thanked her mother who normaly smokes two packs a day, who didnt smoke at all, all day long just for her baptism. The spirit was so strong Saturday, I basically just was blinking out tears the whole time, I don't know how those tears got there! It was just a spirit filled day. But I know this gospel is true, I know everything we need in this life we can find though this gospel, I know that death is just the door to eternal life, And I am thankful for my Savior who opened that door for us. Im glad I have a testimony of the true gospel and that I can help others find the truth as well. thank you all for your love, I love you, I pray for you, I know this church is the true church of Jesus Christ, All it takes to know it is one prayer, If you search you will find.
Have a good week 
Love Elder Moller

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