this week was the same as all the rest busy and hot! But it was so rewarding as well
at the beginning of this week we got a referral to a couple who lived in our area Marama and Hinaia (And don't ask me how I remember anyone's name here because I don't), so we set up an appointment to meet with them and have a first contact!
we met at the church and they were both so nice and accepting of our message, they were both going to collage and they already had a few lessons with some Elders in Faaa, everything went super well and we ended our lesson by giving Hiniaia a blessing, I'll be honest I have no idea why Hinaia needed a blessing but I loved that she turned to the gospel for help in her life. so I listened for the spirit and I gave her a blessing in my broken French and I hoped that my French gave her the message that God wanted for her. our next lesson with this couple was even better, they told us that they want to get baptized and they and going to stop living together and go on missions. Oh my word. I'm still so happy for them! These investigators were so ready and so accepting! I know that they realized that the message of the restored gospel bring happiness, and that nothing else could bring them the kind of happiness that the love of god brings. Life happens, oh my gosh it happens and it is not pretty a lot of the time, but that is when we need to broaden our view and look at the simple truths in life. We have a God who loves us, that truth is evident through so many things in our lives! God gives us trials to give us a chance to become more like him. how else could we become better people if we didn't have hard times we have to overcome. Ah I love that so much! Rely on Christ. turn to the happiness of the gospel just like my dear friends! haha thank you for that, I wish I could say that to everyone in French right now.
so that sums my week up pretty well! and okay you know that saying you don't know what you love until it's gone, I just always assumed it was talking about people, no I have come to find out it was talking about chocolate!
we are living off weatbix ( bleugh I call them mummy fingers because it is like a granola bar made out of dryed leaves and paper)
and cardboard milk ( those cows in New Zealand have problems)
so one day I had a cookie with like three chocolate chips in it..... it was like that cookie quenched and yearning in my soul, a hole was filled that I didn't even know was there! my life was complete after three chocolate chips!
don't take your family or chocolate for granted!! ( I threw family in there to make my self sound a little less crazy)
there is so much I have to say but just know I love all of you!
rely on Christ
eat chocolate for me, where it doesn't melt in two seconds or get stolen by ants!
have a good week!
love ya guys!
Elder Moller
D&C 16:7 And, if you keep my commandments and endure to the end you shall have eternal life, which gift is the greatest of all the gifts of God.
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