Sorry this has taken me so long but I didn't get to pick my p-day. But
It has gone fast...for me! So I get here and I am taken place to place
and as you could tell I was kinda just going with the flow! I met my
awesome companion Elder Openshaw. He is the only other elder in our
district from utah so we probably know him somehow. Speaking of my
district, I love it! Right now there are 13 of us going to tahiti. I
heard there will be about five more coming that are already fluent in
french. There are six Elders and Seven sisters! from Florida, Texas,
Vegas, Micronesia (saipan), Seattle, Ukraine, Australia, and the rest
are from Utah. They are all the best! I took a ton of pictures buuut you
need a card reader to put them on the computer, so I will by one at the
book store and send you guys pictures next Tuesday.
Some people were
asking but we are learning French first. I though I was enrolled in
beginners french, turns out I am actually i was enrolled in the "fend
for your self while you teach a lesson in french on your second day"
class. not what I was expecting. I don't even know how to say like
anything. But the dear lord above knew to put me with a companion that
can at least answer a question. So when we teach a lesson in french and
we both don't know the word I take the initiative and act the word out.
So when we don't know how to ask our investigator to kneel with us, I
get on the floor and wave to my legs. I really start to feel like a
Chinese person who cant speak English. But when we didn't know how to
say egg (we somehow went off on what we ate for breakfast with the
investigator) I decided against flapping my arms like a chicken and
pointing to my egg maker.
I just want you all to know That I have
laughed so hard like every day I have been here. Yesterday I burped
(quietly, i was reverent) And My companion started smelling the air and
he said to me "hmmm can you smell that, it smells good. kinda like
pepperoni" hahahaha I told him it was a burp and he didn't think it
smelled good anymore. So i started laughing, and were in the smallest
class with thirteen people so the others asked what I was laughing at,
so I told them the story and I by the end of the story i was dieing, and
the whole class was laughing for so long, i was almost crying, turns
out they thought my laugh was funnier than my story. they were all
laughing at me. once and awhile I like to bring pepperoni up with my
companion. Oh and I would like everyone to know That there is a war
raging within my stomach, this food is not agreeing with me. It feels
like such a fierce battle, but the carnage is WAY smaller than I
expected. I am dissaponted every time! but when it feels like I have to
poop all day and then nothing happens, what else can I be but
Turns out that on Monday me and Elder Openshaw will be the
next Zone leaders. I guess thats good. Im happy about it! Oh and I want
to thank everyone so much for all the letters!!!!! I am so happy every
time I get handed like five!! !Oh and can I just say that french is not
the language of love, it is the language of confusing pronunciation!!
and confusing grammar rules. but Im getting it so yipee!
I love you all so much! HOW IS KYLEE. she is all I can think about, is
baby here, is baby not here, is baby okay, is baby okay, is baby okay!!
oh And I would like you to know that Thursday morning I woke up a half
hour before I was supposed to, it was so easy, so anyone who gets on a
schedule before they leave is losing precious sleep. I am so mad I cant
get my pictures on here, I seriously took like ten just in the last
five minutes that I could send to you!! Oh and mom when you asked me
that one night if I wrote any thank you cards and I said no and you
kinda got mad.... well I was writing SOO many cards that day, I did not
want to write any more! so I think its funny! I really like it here! My
opinion might change in 2 and a half months, but right now its great!
Im sorry that this is just a big jumble but today is crazy. I will get
this emailing thing down soon! good luck codi on that thing??? weird. I
don't know anything about it really. ummm good luck kylee????? on either
baby or recovering. i dont know that either! I will spell check this
next time! LOVE you guys! talk to you soon!!!
Elder Moller